暴雪英霸 wiki

See also [to Battlegrounds|Guide to Battlegrounds]

[of the Storm|Heroes of the Storm] is a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) set in the [[3]] where fast-paced battles are waged across various [[4]]s, each with their own unique objectives to consider. [[5]]es have a meaningful impact on their battles through the decisions players make and the talents they choose. There’s no item shop to consider, no slow-paced games to wear down resolve.


暴雪英霸中設置的MOBA(多人線上競技遊戲),在各種[]中進行快節奏的戰鬥,每個戰鬥都有自己獨特的目標需要考慮。 []通過玩家的英雄搭配和選擇的天賦,他們的戰鬥會產生五花八門的影響。移除了裝備商店系統的重複性,並且大大縮短慢節奏的對線期徒耗精神。

Hero selection and roles[ | ]

The Nexus has gathered many of the bravest and most heroic characters from across [Entertainment|Blizzard’s] game universes, and more still are being called to serve. Franchises include [[6]], [[7]], [(franchise)|Diablo], and [[8]], as well as classics like [Lost Vikings (franchise)|The Lost Vikings]

Heroes in the Nexus are categorized as [[9]]s, [[10]]s, [[11]]s, or [[12]]s. Each hero on the Heroes of the Storm wiki has their own page, complete with abilities, talents, bios, tips, and skins. Additional related pages contain master lists of quotes and unlocks related to their characters.

Despite these roles, Heroes of the Storm offers a number of Heroes who challenge expectations. Below are three of them.

Abathur[ | ]

Rather than interacting directly with a battle, [[13]] aids his team from afar using his Symbiote ability. Players who choose Abathur will need to have supreme map awareness to make ample use of his long-range abilities.

Cho'gall[ | ]

Two players must work in harmony to command different aspects of this Warrior and Assassin duo: The [[14]] player controls movement and basic attacks, while [[15]] dishes out most of their ability damage. Both players can employ Cho and Gall’s separate abilities, but they must work in concert to take full advantage of them.

The Lost Vikings[ | ]

The specialist team of the [Vikings|Lost Vikings] are three separate Heroes commanded by a single player. The Vikings can be split up to push multiple lanes, or brought together to focus on their target. They are a challenge and a handful to master, but can be deadly in the hands of a skilled player.



Nexus中的英雄被分類為[] s,[] s,[] s或[] s。暴雪英霸的英雄介紹上的每個英雄都有自己的頁面,包括能力,才能,生物,技巧和皮膚。其他相關頁麵包含與其字符相關的引號和解鎖的主列表。








團隊等級系統[ | ]

要使團隊有效,成員需要團結一致。 “風暴英雄”中的練級反映了這種理念,每個玩家都有共同的經驗。 團隊經驗使得在不丟失車道的情況下更容易進行輪換,並確保玩家不會在[]和[]上與隊友戰鬥。 請記住,獲得比對方球隊更快的水平將提供執行權力的機會在關鍵的人才收益水平。

天賦系統[ | ]




戰場洞察[ | ]

Heroes of the Storm features a wide range of [[16]]s, each offering unique gameplay and powerful objectives to master. Completing objectives creates advantages for a team, and are the primary points of interest and conflict on each Battleground (they’re also where team fights tend to erupt).

In addition to the various objectives each Battleground offers, players can earn the allegiance of the [camp|Mercenaries] who populate the world. To do so, players must first defeat the neutral mercenaries at their camp site, and then stand on the beacon nearby to capture them for their team. Determining the optimal time to capture a mercenary camp is crucial, and can be of great value when players need to distract the enemy team from capturing an objective.

風暴英雄擁有廣泛的[] s,每個都提供獨特的遊戲玩法和強大的目標。 完成目標為團隊創造了優勢,並且是每個戰場的主要興趣點和衝突點(他們也是團隊戰鬥傾向於爆發的地方)。

除了每個戰場提供的各種目標之外,玩家還可以獲得居住在世界各地的[陣營|僱傭兵]的忠誠度。 要做到這一點,玩家必須首先擊敗他們營地的中立僱傭兵,然後站在附近的監視塔捕捉對方隊伍的位置。 準確開啟傭兵營地的最佳時間至關重要,並且當玩家需要分散敵方團隊目標的注意力時,這將具有戰術價值。

重生的計時器[ | ]

當你的角色陣亡時,你的角色會在你的基地複活之前有一段時間。 此計時器基於遊戲長度。 遊戲進行的時間越長,死亡計時器所需的時間越長(即:1等的10秒重生時間與20等的60秒重生時間)。 在遊戲後期盡量減少死亡是非常重要的,因為它將可能扭轉戰局。
