Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Fort Tower
Targetinfopanel unit cursedhollow building tower 1
Structure Information
ID TownCannonTowerL2
Health 4,300 HP
Attack Damage 250
Debuff A Call For Help
Attack Speed 1
Attack Range 7.75
Kill XP 125 XP
Keep Tower
Targetinfopanel unit cursedhollow building tower 1
Structure Information
ID TownCannonTowerL3
Health 5,300 HP
Attack Damage 330
Debuff A Call For Help
Attack Speed 1
Attack Range 7.75
Kill XP 400 XP

Towers are Structures that are able to defend themselves. Every Fort and Keep is fortified with multiple Towers - two at each Gate. Keep Towers (the ones closer to the Core) have more Health and deal more damage than Fort Towers. Towers attack enemy Minions, Mercenaries, Monsters and Heroes that approach them, dealing damage with each attack.

Gameplay[ | ]

Towers will attempt to attack any enemy within their range. Towers prioritize attacking in order Monsters and Vehicles, then the closest Summon, Mercenary or Minion and then finally the closest Hero, if no other units are in their range. If a unit in a higher priority group enters a Tower's range, the tower will instantly choose to retarget them. Otherwise, Towers keep attacking the same target unit until it leaves its range, dies or in some other way becomes untargetable.

Towers can deal substantial damage and quickly destroy careless Heroes. When a Tower targets the player, they will be alerted by a special sound and a visual effect, and it is generally a good idea to move out of range as quickly as possible. Players are therefore generally advised to stay out of range of Towers unless they have some Minions present to soak up their attacks. As soon as the last enemy Minion within range is destroyed, the Tower begins attacking enemy Heroes, and the player may want to retreat before this happens. Once reinforcements arrive, players can resume attacking the enemy Towers without fear of being targeted.

While Towers cannot withstand too much damage, the amount of damage they deal to attackers generally makes it unwise to attack them without Minions to soak up damage. However, if necessary, they can be rushed down by a group of Heroes. In normal circumstances, players can slowly wear down Towers by attacking them for as long as their friendly Minions are able to withstand them.

Towers deal 50% reduced damage to Summons.

Cheesing a tower[ | ]

Cheesing a tower” refers to a strategy in which the majority of a team runs at an enemy tower without any help from Minions, typically in a side lane (or the top lane on a 2 lane map) as soon as the gates go down and pushes relentlessly. The key to pulling this strategy off without dying is knowing when to retreat. The best heroes to execute a level 1 push have high damage output, preferably but not necessarily Summons or some other means of disabling or distracting the Towers to keep from taking too much damage, and a means of escape when the time comes to flee (like Sylvanas, Zagara, Greymane, Kharazim, Rehgar, and Anub'arak)..

Cheesing a tower can be more helpful on certain Battlegrounds. On Cursed Hollow, for instance, if you push bottom (as left team) or top lane (as right team) early you are creating more space for your side's Boss to wreak havoc. The bigger the map the safer it is to cheese Towers. unless the opposing team predicts where you will push towers, they will not be able to rotate in time to save a tower - this is why tower cheesing is done less often on small maps like Tomb of the Spider Queen.

Typically, at least at the competitive level, the response is to trade and begin pushing as hard as you can yourself. You want to stay even in experience and by the time you get there they're going to have taken a front wall, and you get nothing out of it besides denying them a further advantage. One of the major reasons that trading is important is because when you start losing structures you start losing a safe path for rotations between lanes, which can throw a wrench in the plans of any composition that is heavily based on roaming and ganking. When you lose a Structure, beyond the experience what you are really losing is the vision it provides.[1]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Towers had Ammunition until it was removed on December 12, 2017.
  • There used to be a third Tower with every Fort and Keep, which was situated slightly behind and to the side of the main Structure and served to help protect it when it ran out of ammo. It was removed on the same patch as Ammunition and its damage and Experience were distributed among the remaining Structures.
  • In April 2020, the A Call For Help Nexus Anomaly was introduced, which enabled Structures to better protect their friendly Heroes: If an allied Hero within the range of the tower was being attacked by an enemy Hero, A Call For Help was triggered, causing the tower to switch their focus to the Hero that damaged their ally until they left the range or died. However, in June 2020, A Call for Help received some changes and the aggro system was removed to help reward aggression in the laning phase of the game. The system was kept for Forts, Keeps, and Cores.

Gallery[ | ]

References[ | ]
