Heroes of the Storm Wiki
The Kid
The Kid Announcer
Character Information
Gender Male
Race Human
Status Alive
Voice actor Sam Lavagnino [1]

The Kid is a little boy playing a game with his new toys. He was the host for the Toys! Christmas event and also is available as an announcer after completing his board game. Since the Toys II event, the Kid was made available as a regular Winter event loot for Gem600 / Shard1,200.


The Kid Portraits
-The Kid- Portrait
Toys "The Kid"


Main article: The Kid/Quotes


Realm Lords_ BlackheartGrave KeeperKaLady of ThornsNeithisQueen NightshadeRaven Lord
Other Announcers_ AdjutantArena AnnouncerAthenaBeleth & IlarianCommodore FordDr. CookDrek'Thar & Vanndar StormpikeEl GuapoHeadless HorsemanKatya VolskayaKevin "Cloaken" JohnsonMC TombstoneMira HanThe Kid
Others_ CrabbyDeckard CainHarrison JonesMonkey elder