Splash is a term used for Basic Attacks and Abilities that require hitting a main target to cause their effect or a portion of their damage to affect nearby secondary targets. For splashing melee Basic Attacks, the term Cleave can also be used.
Splashing attacks usually deal damage in a circle or an arc around the main target, hitting all enemies in the area, including those that are not visible (due to Fog of War, Stealth, or Bushes for example). The damage received by each unit affected by the splash, as well as the main target, is calculated individually depending on damage modifiers, such as Armor, affecting the target units. Basic Attacks while Blinded will not trigger the splash nor will attacks against an Evading target. Evading targets additionally will not take splash damage from attacks dealing Physical Damage.
Splash damage from Basic Attacks can be affected by damage modifiers on the attacker (e.g. Executioner), but flat damage bonuses, damage dealt in separate instances, and damage of a different type usually only affect the main target, unless otherwise specified.
Bounce[ | ]
Bounce is a mechanic similar to splash that causes attacks to ricochet to enemies near the main target, damaging them by a portion of the attack's base damage. However, unlike splash, bouncing attacks can only hit a limited amount of enemies at once. Some bouncing attacks can also chain, hitting enemies even farther away from the main target. Secondary attacks from bounces mostly follow the same rules as Splash. However, while they can ricochet to enemies hidden by Fog of War, they cannot target enemies that are Stealthed or, in most cases, enemies that are hidden inside a Bush.
List of Units, Abilities and Talents[ | ]
Heroes[ | ]
Splash[ | ]
- Blaze's Basic Attacks splash around the target and in a cone between him and the target.
- Baleog of The Lost Vikings Basic Attacks splash for 50% of the damage in an arc behind the target.
- Junkrat's Basic Attacks splash around the target.
- Leoric's first and second Basic Attack in the three-attack succession cleave in an arc around the target.
- Malthael's Basic Attacks cleave in an arc around the target.
Abilities[ | ]
Bounce[ | ]
- Cassia's Heroic Ability "Ball Lightning" bounces between herself and enemy Heroes.
- Johanna's Heroic Ability "Blessed Shield" bounces to nearby enemy Heroes.
- Rehgar's Basic Ability "Chain Heal" bounces to nearby allies.
- Thrall's Basic Ability "Chain Lightning" bounces to nearby enemies.
- Valla's Basic Ability "Hungering Arrow" bounces to nearby enemies or back to the target itself.
Splash[ | ]
- Alexstrasza's trait "Dragonqueen" causes her Basic Attack to splash in an arc in front of her.
- Fenix' Basic Attacks while "Weapon mode: Phase Bomb" is active splash around the target.
- Hanzo's Heroic Ability "Dragon's Arrow"'s damage and stun splash around the first enemy hero hit.
- Greymane's Basic Ability "Gilnean Cocktail" splashes in an arc behind the target.
- Junkrat's Frag Launcher grenades splash around the the first enemy hit.
- Kel'Thuzad's Basic Ability "Death and Decay"'s initial damage splashes around the first target hit.
- Maiev's Basic Ability, "Umbral Bind" causes her next Basic Attack to cleave in and arc around the target.
- Ragnaros' Basic Ability "Empower Sulfuras" causes his next Basic Attack to deal Spell damage and splash around the target.
- Sgt. Hammer's trait "Siege Mode" causes her Basic Attacks to splash around the target for 25% of the damage.
- Tassadar's Heroic Ability "Archon" causes his Basic Attacks to splash in an area around the target.
- Xul's Basic Ability "Cursed Strikes" causes his Basic Attacks to cleave in a half circle in front of him.
Talents[ | ]
Bounce[ | ]
- Azmodan's level 7 talent "Bombardment" causes his next two Basic Attacks to bounce to nearby enemies after using "Globe of Annihilation".
- Cassia's level 1 talent "Charged Strikes" causes every third Basic Attack to bounce to nearby enemy heroes.
- Maiev's lvl 1 talent "Naisha's Memento" causes her Basic Attacks to bounce to nearby enemies for a short time.
- Tassadar's lvl 1 talent "Khaydarin Amulet" causes his Basic Attack beam chain to nearby enemies once the quest is completed.
- Tracer's lvl 16 talent "Ricochet" grants her Basic Attacks a chance to bounce to a nearby enemy.
- Whitemane's lvl 16 talent "Shared Punishment" causes her Basic Ability "Inquisition" chain to a nearby enemy Hero.
- Zagara's lvl 4 talent "Medusa Blades" causes her Basic Attacks to bounce to nearby enemies.
- Zul'jin's lvl 20 talent "A Surprise For Ya" causes his Basic Attacks to bounce to a nearby enemy.
Splash[ | ]
- Deckard's lvl 13 talent "Potion of Revival" causes his "Healing Potion" Ability to splash to nearby allies for 35% of the healing.
- Deckard's lvl 13 talent causes nearby allies attacks to deal bonus Spell damage in an area around the target.
- Dehaka's lvl 20 talent "Contagion" causes his Heroic Ability "Isolation" to splash to nearby targets.
- Greymane's lvl 20 talents "Hunter's Blunderbuss" and "Tooth and Claw" cause his Basic Attacks, in Human and Worgen form respectively, to splash.
- Hanzo's lvl 4 talent "Explosive Arrows" causes his "Storm Bow" Ability to splash for 70% of the damage around the target upon hitting a minion or a monster.
- Imperius' lvl 7 talent "Holy Fervor" causes his next 4 Basic Attacks cleave in an area infromt of him, dealing increased damage.
- Imperius' lvl 7 talent "Flash of Anger" causes his "Celestial Charge" Ability to splash upon hitting enemy Heroes marked by his trait, dealing damage to all enemies.
- Kel'Thuzad's lvl 7 talent "Chilling Touch" causes his next Basic Attack to deal 100% increased Spell damage, Slow and splash around the target.
- Kerrigan's lvl 4 talent "Fury of the Swarm" causes her Basic Attacks to cleave for 60% of the damage around the target.
- Nova's lvl 16 talent "Explosive Round" causes her "Snipe" Ability to splash for 70% of the damage around the first enemy hit.
- Rehgar's lvl 20 talent "Farseer's Blessing" causes his Heroic Ability "Ancestral Healing" to heal allied Heroes for 50% of the amount around the main target.
- Samuro's lvl 7 talent "Burning Blade" causes his "Critical Strike" Ability to deal bonus Spell damage that splashes to nearby targets.
- Sgt. Hammer's lvl talent "Advanced Artillery" increases the splash damage and radius form her trait "Siege Mode".
- The Butcher's lvl 13 talent "Cleaver" causes his Basic Attacks to cleave for 35% of the damage around the target.
- The Lost Vikings' lvl 1 talent "Explosive Attacks" increases Baleog's splash damage against non-Heroes to 100%.
- The Lost Vikings' lvl 4 talent "Pain Don't Hurt" causes Baleog to heal from the splash damage.
- Tyrande's lvl 7 talent "Huntress' Fury" causes her Basic Attacks against targets with Hunter's Mark splash to nearby Heroes and Mercenaries.
Non-Heroes[ | ]
Bounce[ | ]
- Li Li's lvl 7 talent "Lightning Serpent" causes her Cloud Serpent's attacks to bounce to nearby enemy Heroes.
Splash[ | ]
- Jaina's Water Elemental's Basic Attacks splash around the target.
- Towers of Doom's boss Headless Horseman's Basic Attacks cleave in a half circle in front of him.