Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Return to Warchrome Wastes
Dates August 06 - September 24 (2019)
Duration 7 weeks
Theme Heroes of the Storm Warchrome Wastes
  • Deathranger Nova skin
  • Scrapper Queen Qhira skin
Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - July 29, 2019

Return to Warchrome Wastes was a unique event in Heroes of the Storm.


Welcome back to the Wasteland! Beware of those you thought dead, defeated or otherwise - they might just be after your hide.


Return to Warchrome Wastes Skins
Legendary Scrapper Queen
Backstory: In her former life as a bounty hunter, the "Scrapper Queen" Qhira went out into the wastes to get her prey and her money. Now, as the undisputed champion of the Wasteland Arena, both her prey and her money come straight to her.
Features: Themed animations.
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of Warchrome Wastes skins.
Qhira Scrapper Queen
Gem600 / Shard1,200
Qhira Scrapper Queen Berserk
Gem600 / Shard1,200
Qhira Scrapper Queen Executor
Gem600 / Shard1,200
Qhira Scrapper Queen Desert
Gem600 / Shard1,200
Qhira Scrapper Queen Vanquisher
Gem600 / Shard1,200
Epic Deathranger Limited-Time Offer
Backstory: If the mutants really wanted to survive a fight with Nova , they would have bitten off her dominant arm.
Features: Altered voice-over
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of Warchrome Wastes skins.
Nova Deathranger
Gem375 / Shard450
Nova Deathranger Rugged
Gem375 / Shard450
Nova Deathranger Dusk
Gem375 / Shard450
Nova Deathranger Ember
Gem375 / Shard450
Nova Deathranger Mirage
Gem375 / Shard450

Seasonal SeasonIcon Lunar Festival Spring Lunar Festival (2015–2018) • Caldeum Complex (2019) • Fragments of the Dark Nexus (2020)
SeasonIcon Sun's Out, Guns Out Summer Sun's Out, Guns Out (2017) • Nexomania (2018) • MechaStorm II (2019) • Nexomania II (2020)
SeasonIcon Hallow's End Fall Hallow's End (2015–2017) • Fall of King's Crest (2018) • The Scarlet Heist (2019) • CraftWars (2020)
SeasonIcon Winter Veil Winter Winter Veil (2015–2017) • It's Time for Toys! (2018) • Toys II (2019) • Winter Treasure (2020)
Unique 2015 Nexus 15 Love is in the AirWarcraft NoblegardenDiablo (franchise) Eternal Conflict
2016 Nexus 15 Love is in the AirStarCraft Machines of WarNexus 15 Nexus Challenge
2017 Nexus 15 Love is in the AirWarcraft For Azeroth!Nexus 15 Nexus Challenge 2.0Nexus 15 Second AnniversaryDiablo (franchise) Malthael's BargainWarcraft Call of Kel'ThuzadOverwatch Assault on Volskaya FoundryNexus 15 Dragons of the Nexus
2018 StarCraft StarCraft 20th AnniversaryNexus 15 Behold the Power of the Dark Nexus!Nexus 15 3-Year AnniversaryWarcraft Echoes of AlteracNexus 15 Raiders of WarchromeNexus 15 Viper Ascendant
2019 Nexus 15 Viper ResistanceNexus 15 4-Year AnniversaryNexus 15 Return to Warchrome Wastes
2020 Nexus 15 5-Year AnniversaryNexus 15 Greek GodsWarcraftDiablo (franchise) Altered Fates
2021 Overwatch Overwatch CosplayDiablo (franchise)StarCraftWarcraft Legends of the PastNexus 15 6.5-Year Anniversary
Notes: Events that featured a quest line are bolded. Events that featured login rewards are italicized.