Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Regeneration Globes (aka Health Globes or Regen Globes) are spheres that regenerate a Hero's Health and Mana when collected and are dropped by Minions, Mercenaries and some Objectives. Upon pickup, a Regeneration Globe restores 9% of the Hero's maximum Health and 7% of the Hero's maximum Mana in 5 ticks over 5 seconds (in ARAM, 7.8% of Health and 7% of Mana + 40 Mana). It will not only heal and restore Mana for the Hero who collects it, but also nearby friendly Heroes. Collecting multiple Regeneration Globes causes their duration to stack. Hallucinations cannot pick up Regeneration Globes, although they can benefit from them if picked up by an ally. The pickup radius for a Regeneration Globe is 1.25, and the radius to benefit allied Heroes near the pickup is 12.

Some Heroes have Talents that add other stats upon collection. For example, Fingers of Frost will give Jaina an additional permanent +0.1 Mana/sec for every Regeneration Globe she collects, up to +2 Mana/sec, if she chooses that Talent.

Colors[ | ]

Regeneration Globes lay on the ground for 6 seconds. For the first 3 seconds regeneration globes dropped from enemy's Minions or claimed camps and objectives can only be collected by your team and vice versa. After 3 seconds Regeneration Globes become neutral and can be collected by either team until they disappear.

Allied Regeneration Globes appear as blue and enemy regeneration globes appear as red spheres on the ground. This allows a team the opprtunity to attempt to deny an opponent their regeneration globes by zoning the enemy hero until the enemy's regeneration globe disappears (or becomes neutral).

A Regeneration Globe turning neutral is indicated by its color changing to purple. Some objectives and map locations, such as Regen Globe Generator, spawn Regeneration Globes that are neutral from the start and can be collected by a Hero of either team.

Sources[ | ]

  • A Leader Minion drops a Regeneration Globe for the enemy team upon death.
  • A Mercenary Camp spawns a Regeneration Globe for the capturing team upon capturing.
  • Regen Globe Generators at the top and bottom of Braxis Holdout spawn a Neutral Regeneration Globe that does not disappear with time. A new globe is spawned 45 seconds after the older one gets picked up.
  • Some objectives drop Regeneration Globes:
  • Alexstrasza can create a Regeneration Globe with her level 1 Talent Circle of Life: After collecting 15 Regeneration Globes, Abundance's healing burst creates a Regeneration Globe.

Portraits[ | ]

Regeneration Globe Portraits
Carbot Regen Globe Portrait
Carbot Regen Globe

Sprays[ | ]

Regeneration Globe Sprays
Carbot Regen Globe Spray
Carbot Regen Globe
Gem120 / Shard112

Trivia[ | ]
