Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Nexomania II
Heroes Nexomania II Logo
Season SeasonIcon Sun's Out, Guns Out Summer Event
Dates June 23 to September 7 (2020)
Theme Nexomania
  • Mal'gaucho Mal'Ganis skin
  • El Bandido Imperius skin
  • Gata de Batalla Li Li skin
  • Ratón de Batalla mount
  • Pumped Up Pato mount
  • MC Tombstone Announcer
Nexomania II

Nexomania II is an event in Heroes of the Storm running from the week of June 23 to week of September 7, 2020. It is a sequel to the Nexomania event in 2018.


One of the most prestigious stops on the Nexomania circuit is the Intermultiversal Nexoweight Championship: No rules, no mercy, just nonstop, bicep-busting carnage. This time, many fans expected Mal’gaucho Mal'Ganis to win it all. The Swingin’ Scourge of Stratholme tore a bloody path through his side of the bracket, burying opponents beneath a deluge of demonic blows. But on the other side of the bracket, a mysterious upstart known only as La Gata de Batalla has proven herself a worthy challenger, defeating foes many times her size en route to the championship match. The arena is packed, with Nexomania legend MC Tombstone roaring away on the mic, and the final battle is about to begin. Whose side are you on?


Nexomania II Choose A Side

Hear that?! Nexomania is back! Get ready for carnage, because Gata de Batalla Li Li and Mal'Gaucho Mal'ganis are throwing down for the intermultiversal championship belt. WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON?

Mal'gaucho Mal'ganis Quest Chain and Rewards Gata de Batalla Li Li Quest Chain and Rewards
Nexomania II Quests
Nexomania Loot Chest
1. All Bets Are Off! So, Mal'gaucho it is?
  • Gain 100,000 XP contribution in winning games.
  • Reward: Nexomania II Chest
Nexomania Loot Chest
1. All Bets Are Off! So, Gata de Batalla, eh?
  • Gain 100,000 XP contribution in winning games.
  • Reward: Nexomania II Chest
Mal'gaucho Mal'ganis Portrait
2. Demon Does Not Die So Easily
  • Reward: Mal'gaucho Mal'ganis Portrait.
La Gata de Batalla Portrait
2. Trouble Brewing
  • Reward: La Gata de Batalla Portrait.
Mal'gaucho's Burning Gaze Spray
3. Tiny Mortals!
  • Reward: Mal'gaucho's Burning Gaze (Spray).
Gata de Batalla's Wink Spray
3. Pandamonium!
  • Reward: Gata de Batalla's Wink (Spray).
Mal'gaucho's Triumph Spray
4. As a Bat
  • Achieve 20 Multi Kills in winning games (2+ kills)
  • Reward: Mal'gaucho's Triumph (Spray)
Flying Cat Kick Spray
4. A Game of Cat and Mouse
  • Win 2 games with less than 4 deaths
  • Reward: Flying Cat Kick (Spray)
Emoji Nexomania Pack Mal'GauchoMC Tombstone Announcer
5. New Nexoweight Champion!
  • Achieve 80 takedowns in winnings games
  1. 1.0 1.1 This quest can be completed as any Hero in Unranked Draft or Storm League.



Nexomania II Skins
Legendary Mal'gaucho Mal'ganis
Backstory: The frontrunner for this year's nexoweight championship belt, Mal'gaucho Mal'ganis crushes foes beneath cloven hooves and demonically defined delts. Can he fend off the mysterious upstart known as La Gata de Batalla?
Features: Themed abilities, themed animations.
Mal'Ganis Mal'gaucho
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Mal'Ganis Mal'gaucho Underworld
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Mal'Ganis Mal'gaucho Nemesis
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Legendary Gata de Batalla Li Li
Backstory: Little is known about La Gata de Batalla, except that she has repeatedly dumpstered opponents many times her size en route to a nexoweight championship bout against Mal'gaucho Mal'ganis.
Features: Themed abilities, themed animations.
Li Li Gata de Batalla
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Li Li Gata de Batalla Comeback
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Li Li Gata de Batalla Underworld
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Epic El Bandido Imperius
Backstory: El Bandido Imperius claims to be a fallen angel, an immortal avatar of motorcycle exhaust with no respect for the laws of man. He'll elbow-drop anyone who gets in his way, in or out of the ring.
Features: Themed animations.
Imperius El Bandido
Gem525 / Shard600
Imperius El Bandido Sinister
Gem525 / Shard600
Imperius El Bandido El Fuego
Gem525 / Shard600
El Fuego
Imperius El Bandido Vigilante
Gem525 / Shard600
Epic El Chamuco Diablo
Backstory: The terrifying El Chamuco is well-known as the muscle of the "Hell's Screamers" tag-team alongside El Jefe. Rumors circle that he actually is a demon, born in the pits of the burning hells, but that can't be possible. Can it?
Features: Themed animations.
Notes: This skin was first introduced in the Nexomania (2018).
Diablo El Chamuco Hulking
Gem525 / Shard600
Diablo El Chamuco Pink Singlet
Gem525 / Shard600
Pink Singlet
Epic El Mariachi E.T.C.
Backstory: This mysterious wandering mariachi holds no allegiance other than to his music. Rudos and técnicos alike have learned to fear the beautiful sound of guitar wafting in the air... if only because of the pain that follows in its wake.
Notes: This skin was first introduced in the Nexomania (2018).
E.T.C. El Mariachi El Cielo
Gem525 / Shard600
El Cielo
E.T.C. El Mariachi Championship
Gem525 / Shard600
Legendary El Jefe Garrosh
Backstory: Hailing from Orgrimmar Beach, Azeroth, El Fuego was the first to unite the belts, both figuratively and literally. Now, as the champion of the Nexus he has thrown aside his old mask and taken up a new identity... El Jefe!
Features: Themed abilities and animations.
Notes: This skin was first introduced in the Nexomania (2018).
Garrosh El Jefe El Festejo
Gem900 / Shard1,800
El Festejo
Garrosh El Jefe El Jefe Amarillo
Gem900 / Shard1,800
El Jefe Amarillo
Legendary La Parca Lunara
Backstory: It is said that the currently-undefeated La Parca arrived from parts unknown with a look of death in her eyes. This Nexomania, she meets the former champion La Pantera in the ring. It is sure to be the match of the century!
Features: Themed abilities.
Notes: This skin was first introduced in the Nexomania (2018).
Lunara La Parca La Medianoche
Gem900 / Shard1,800
La Medianoche
Lunara La Parca La Rosa
Gem900 / Shard1,800
La Rosa
Legendary La Pantera Sonya
Backstory: After losing the heavyweight belt last year, La Pantera has come back to Nexomania seeking revenge. Now only the undefeated La Parca stands in her way. Will she return to glory? Or does her rise end here?
Features: Themed abilities.
Notes: This skin was first introduced in the Nexomania (2018).
Sonya La Pantera Pink
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Sonya La Pantera La Campeona
Gem900 / Shard1,800
La Campeona


Nexomania II Mounts
Legendary Pumped Up Pato
Backstory: What do you say when an inflatable training dummy comes to life and threatens to knock out your friend? "Duck!"
Pumped Up Pato
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Pumped Up Pato Swan
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Pumped Up Pato Underworld
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Epic Ratón de Batalla
Backstory: La Gata de Batalla rides into the fray astride a massive, fearsome rodent with just the cutest widdle whiskers.
Ratón de Batalla
Gem525 / Shard600
Ratón de Batalla Comeback
Gem525 / Shard600
Ratón de Batalla Underworld
Gem525 / Shard600
Legendary Luchihuahua
Backstory: A luchihuahua is more of a mascot than a fighter, honestly. But rest assured, despite the little guy's size, he's the best friend you can have in your corner.
Notes: This mount was first introduced in the Nexomania (2018).
Luchihuahua Championship
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Luchihuahua Festive
Gem900 / Shard1,800
Legendary Pigñata
Backstory: The best part of riding a pigñata into battle? Free candy whatever it dies! But please, try not to hog them all...
Notes: This mount was first introduced in the Nexomania (2018).
Pigñata Wild
Gem600 / Shard1,200
Pigñata Festive
Gem600 / Shard1,200


Nexomania II Portraits
El Bandido Imperius Portrait
El Bandido Imperius
Gem75 / Shard40
El Ogro Cho Portrait
El Ogro Cho
Gem75 / Shard40
El Ogro Gall Portrait
El Ogro Gall
Gem75 / Shard40
Jungle Hunter Rexxar Portrait
Jungle Hunter Rexxar
Gem75 / Shard40
Ratón de Batalla Portrait
Ratón de Batalla
Gem75 / Shard40
Suplex-Stout Chen Portrait
Suplex-Stout Chen
Gem75 / Shard40

Mal'gaucho Mal'ganis Portrait
Mal'gaucho Mal'ganis
La Gata de Batalla Portrait
La Gata de Batalla


Nexomania II Sprays
Bandido's Burning Strike Spray
Bandido's Burning Strike
Gem75 / Shard40
Delicious Fish Taco Spray
Delicious Fish Taco
Gem75 / Shard40
E.T.C.'s Nexomania Especial Spray
E.T.C.'s Nexomania Especial
Gem75 / Shard40
El Chamuco's Sizzle Sauce Spray
El Chamuco's Sizzle Sauce
Gem75 / Shard40
Flipping Tables Spray
Flipping Tables
Gem75 / Shard40
Hitting it Big Nexomania Spray
Hitting it Big Nexomania
Gem75 / Shard40

La Hija del Mar Spray
La Hija del Mar
Gem75 / Shard40
La Pantera Spray
La Pantera
Gem75 / Shard40
Last Round Spray
Last Round
Gem75 / Shard40
Love at First Bite Spray
Love at First Bite
Gem75 / Shard40
Mysterious El Bandido Spray
Mysterious El Bandido
Gem180 / Shard112
Take the Bait Spray
Take the Bait
Gem75 / Shard40

Mal'gaucho's Burning Gaze Spray
Mal'gaucho's Burning Gaze
Mal'gaucho's Triumph Spray
Mal'gaucho's Triumph
Gata de Batalla's Wink Spray
Gata de Batalla's Wink
Flying Cat Kick Spray
Flying Cat Kick


Nexomania Pack Emoji Nexomania Pack El Chamuco
Emoji Name Shortcuts
Emoji Nexomania Pack El Chamuco El Chamuco :nexodiab:
Emoji Nexomania Pack El Jefe El Jefe :nexogarr:
Emoji Nexomania Pack El Bandido El Bandido :nexoimpe:
Emoji Nexomania Pack Gata de Batalla Gata de Batalla :nexolili:
Emoji Nexomania Pack Mal'Gaucho Mal'Gaucho :nexomalg:




External Links[]

Seasonal SeasonIcon Lunar Festival Spring Lunar Festival (2015–2018) • Caldeum Complex (2019) • Fragments of the Dark Nexus (2020)
SeasonIcon Sun's Out, Guns Out Summer Sun's Out, Guns Out (2017) • Nexomania (2018) • MechaStorm II (2019) • Nexomania II (2020)
SeasonIcon Hallow's End Fall Hallow's End (2015–2017) • Fall of King's Crest (2018) • The Scarlet Heist (2019) • CraftWars (2020)
SeasonIcon Winter Veil Winter Winter Veil (2015–2017) • It's Time for Toys! (2018) • Toys II (2019) • Winter Treasure (2020)
Unique 2015 Nexus 15 Love is in the AirWarcraft NoblegardenDiablo (franchise) Eternal Conflict
2016 Nexus 15 Love is in the AirStarCraft Machines of WarNexus 15 Nexus Challenge
2017 Nexus 15 Love is in the AirWarcraft For Azeroth!Nexus 15 Nexus Challenge 2.0Nexus 15 Second AnniversaryDiablo (franchise) Malthael's BargainWarcraft Call of Kel'ThuzadOverwatch Assault on Volskaya FoundryNexus 15 Dragons of the Nexus
2018 StarCraft StarCraft 20th AnniversaryNexus 15 Behold the Power of the Dark Nexus!Nexus 15 3-Year AnniversaryWarcraft Echoes of AlteracNexus 15 Raiders of WarchromeNexus 15 Viper Ascendant
2019 Nexus 15 Viper ResistanceNexus 15 4-Year AnniversaryNexus 15 Return to Warchrome Wastes
2020 Nexus 15 5-Year AnniversaryNexus 15 Greek GodsWarcraftDiablo (franchise) Altered Fates
2021 Overwatch Overwatch CosplayDiablo (franchise)StarCraftWarcraft Legends of the PastNexus 15 6.5-Year Anniversary
Notes: Events that featured a quest line are bolded. Events that featured login rewards are italicized.