Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Basic Info
Title High Tinker
Role Unknown
Release Date
Base Stats
Attack Type
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Data Page

Gelbin Mekkatorque is a proposed hero from the Warcraft universe.[1][2]

Background[ | ]

High Tinker Mekkatorque has been at the helm of the gnome race during some of its most difficult and trying times. Since his title is an elected one, the fact that he has held his position throughout such hardship is a testament to the love his people have for him.

A brilliant inventor, Gelbin Mekkatorque rose quickly to prominence among the meritocratic gnomes with his innovative designs and creative problem-solving skills. He built the very first functioning mechanostrider, assisted in the development of the dwarven siege engine, and was instrumental in the creation of the Deeprun Tram running from Ironforge to Stormwind City.

Although one wouldn’t know it from looking at him, the loss of Gnomeregan weighs heavily on the high tinker. He was unprepared for the invasion that swept through his beloved city, and he was betrayed by a trusted advisor who convinced him to react hastily, resulting in unnecessary deaths. Now Mekkatorque’s brilliant mind has taken on a surgical focus with one single outcome: the retaking of Gnomeregan.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Mekkatorque first appeared in World of Warcraft (2004).
  • Mekkatorque is voiced by Dino Andrade.
  • Mekkatorque was under consideration for inclusion as early as 2011.[3]
  • Mekkatorque is currently the only revealed unreleased character.

Gallery[ | ]

References[ | ]

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Bruiser Bruisers ArtanisChenDeathwingDehakaD.VaGazloweHoggerImperiusLeoricMalthaelRagnarosRexxarSonyaThrallVarianXulYrel
Healer Healers AlexstraszaAnaAnduinAurielBrightwingDeckardKharazimLi LiLt. MoralesLúcioMalfurionRehgarStukovUtherTyrandeWhitemane
Melee Assassin Melee Assassins AlarakThe ButcherIllidanKerriganMaievMurkyQhiraSamuroValeeraZeratul
Ranged Assassin Ranged Assassins AzmodanCassiaChromieFalstadFenixGallGenjiGreymaneGul'danHanzoJainaJunkratKael'thasKel'ThuzadLi-MingLunaraMephistoNazeeboNovaOrpheaProbiusRaynorSgt. HammerSylvanasTassadarTracerTychusVallaZagaraZul'jin
Support Support AbathurThe Lost VikingsMedivhZarya
Tank Tanks Anub'arakArthasBlazeChoDiabloE.T.C.GarroshJohannaMal'GanisMeiMuradinStitchesTyrael
Unknown Mekkatorque