Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Matt Villers
Matt Villers
Birth Date Unknown
Occupation Former Senior Game Designer
Projects World of Warcraft

Matt Villers was the Lead Hero Designer at Blizzard Entertainment's Heroes of the Storm development team. He left the HOTS team and moved to World of Warcraft after Heroes of the Dorm was shut down.[1]


Matt Villers was responsible for the gameplay of new Heroes, including basic abilities and talents. When assigned to a new Hero, he acts as that Hero’s product owner, coordinating with and supporting other groups like Art and Sound. He made sure everyone is on the same page with a shared vision as the Hero moved through various stages of development.

Matt began his career at Blizzard Entertainment in 2009 as a Customer Service Representative before moving to the Diablo III team to work as a Level Designer. He then transitioned to designing campaigns for StarCraft II before finally joining the Heroes of the Storm team as a Game Designer. In his free time, Matt plays lots of imported Japanese games.[2]


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