Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Heroes of the Storm Wiki
MC Tombstone
MC Tombstone
Character Information
Gender Male

MC Tombstone is an Announcer from the Nexomania universe. He can be unlocked as the quest reward fromthe Nexomania II quest chain.


When a swaggering wrestler in a tight pink singlet grabs a hot dog out of your hand en route to deliver a folding chair to the face of an unsuspecting sucker down in the ring—That’s Nexxxx-oooo-mania! The arena is packed, and the Singularity-infused bellows of MC Tombstone himself reverberate through the loudspeaker.[1]

A description of MC Tombstone can be found within the game data:

An absolute legend in the Nexomania scene, which love for motorcycles is only beaten by his burning wrestling passion.


Main article: MC Tombstone/Quotes



Realm Lords_ BlackheartGrave KeeperKaLady of ThornsNeithisQueen NightshadeRaven Lord
Other Announcers_ AdjutantArena AnnouncerAthenaBeleth & IlarianCommodore FordDr. CookDrek'Thar & Vanndar StormpikeEl GuapoHeadless HorsemanKatya VolskayaKevin "Cloaken" JohnsonMC TombstoneMira HanThe Kid
Others_ CrabbyDeckard CainHarrison JonesMonkey elder