Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Kevin Michael Johnson
Cloaken Announcer
Birth Date Unknown
Occupation Creative Content Lead
Projects Heroes of the Storm
StarCraft II

Kevin Michael "Cloaken" Johnson is a former Creative Content Lead at Blizzard Entertainment. Kevin provided creative direction for videos, trailers, and comics for Heroes of the Storm. He also oversaw expanding Heroes of the Storm's identity in terms of its story, world-building, and thematic content. He is most known by the community for voicing the spotlights for Heroes of the Storm. He left the Heroes of the Storm team in February 2019, being moved to work on a new project within Blizzard.[1] On April 19, 2019, he left Blizzard Entertainment after working there for nearly seven years.[2]


Kevin joined Blizzard in July 2012 as the manager of community development for StarCraft II, ultimately becoming a senior manager for both StarCraft II and Heroes of the Storm's community development before moving into his current role. Prior to his time at Blizzard, Kevin worked as an actor and filmmaker in New York City for almost a decade.

Kevin holds Bachelor's degrees in Molecular Biology and Drama from The Colorado College. When he wasn't working on Heroes of the Storm, he spent most of his time as a front-line dad and animation enthusiast.

Kevin had voiced most Hero Spotlight videos up to and including Anduin's until his departure.

In-Game Appearance[]

He is an unlockable legendary announcer in Heroes of the Storm, referred to as Cloaken in-game and available for Money3,000.


Main article: Kevin Johnson/Quotes


  1. Kevin M. Johnson on Twitter
  2. kmicj. (2019, April 19). Friends! Today will mark my final day with Blizzard. Twitter. Retrieved on 2019-04-19.

External links[]

Realm Lords_ BlackheartGrave KeeperKaLady of ThornsNeithisQueen NightshadeRaven Lord
Other Announcers_ AdjutantArena AnnouncerAthenaBeleth & IlarianCommodore FordDr. CookDrek'Thar & Vanndar StormpikeEl GuapoHeadless HorsemanKatya VolskayaKevin "Cloaken" JohnsonMC TombstoneMira HanThe Kid
Others_ CrabbyDeckard CainHarrison JonesMonkey elder