Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Illidan using Evasion.

Evade is an buff effect that causes all Basic Attacks (dealing damage of any type) and Abilities dealing Physical damage to not hit the Evading unit. As a consequence, additional effects of Basic Attacks (Attack modifiers) and such Abilities, will not be applied to an Evading target. Splashing and Bouncing Basic Attacks and talents can hit Evading units as secondary targets, if the secondary (splash) damage is dealt in Spell damage.

Abilities[ | ]

  • Chen's level 7 talent, "Elusive Brawler", makes him evade basic attacks for 2 seconds.
  • Genji's level 7 talent, "Cyber Shield", makes him evade one basic attack every 5 seconds.
  • Illidan's ability, "Evasion", makes him evade basic attacks for 2.5 seconds.
  • Qhira's level 4 talent, "Upstage", makes her evade 4 basic attacks within the next 12 seconds after hitting two heroes with "Blood Rage".
  • Xul's level 1 talent, "Shade", adds an additional effect to his "Bone Armor" ability, making him evade basic attacks while it is active.
Attack_ Attack damage icon Basic Attack (Attack range icon Attack RangeAttack speed icon Attack Speed) • Ability (Resource (Unitstatus icon mana Mana) Spell power icon Spell PowerCooldown)
Defense_ Unitstatus icon health HealthHealth RegenerationHealing (Healing modifierLifesteal) • ShieldPhysical armor icon Armor
Utility_ Move speed icon Movement speed
Buffs_ Absorbing icon AbsorbingEvade (Parry) • HealingInvulnerable icon InvulnerableProtected icon ProtectedStasis icon StasisStealthShieldsUnkillable icon UnkillableUnstoppable icon UnstoppableUntargetable
Debuffs_ Attack SlowBlinded icon BlindCrowd controlDamage over TimeKnockbackRevealed Icon RevealedRooted icon RootSilenced icon Silence (Feared icon FearMindcontrol icon Mind ControlPolymorphed icon PolymorphTaunted icon Taunt) • SlowStunned icon Stun (Sleep icon Sleep) • Stopped icon Time Stopped