Block [Passive]
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Every 5 seconds, gain 75 Physical Armor against the next Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%. Stores up to 2 charges.
Tier 1 (Hero Level 1)
Block is a generic Talent that provides small bursts of Physical Armor against Basic Attacks. It is very effective for use in a solo lane for reducing damage from enemy trades, and can reduce a lot of damage from heroes with slow and powerful attacks. However, it is ineffective against heroes with very high attack speed, because each individual attack is usually weaker and burn the accumulated block charges very fast, leading to a smaller overall damage reduction.
Heroes with Block[ | ]
Base version[ | ]
Modified version[ | ]
- Artanis' level 1 talent "Reactive Parry" grants 1 block charge of 75 Physical Armor upon attacking Twin Blades, 2 against heroes. Stores up to 2 charges.
- Arthas' level 1 talent "Rime" grants 1 block charge of 75 Physical Armor every 5 seconds, storing up to 3 charges.
- ETC's level 1 talent "Block Party" grants self and nearby allies 1 block charge of 75 Physical Armor for 8 seconds upon activating Rockstar. Stores up to 2 charges.
- Genji's level 7 talent "Cyber Shield" grants 1 charge of Evade every 5 seconds.
- Greymane's level 4 talent "Thick Skin" instantly grants 2 block charges of 50 Physical Armor upon entering Worgen Form.
- Illidan's level 7 talent "Reflexive Block" instantly grants 2 block charges of 75 Physical Armor for 3 seconds upon using Dive.
- Jaina's level 4 talent "Frost Armor" grants 1 block charge of 75 Physical Armor every 10 seconds, additionally applies Frostbite to any enemy that damages her.
- Mal'Ganis' level 1 talent, "Winged Guard", grants 1 charge of 75 Physical Armor each time he hits an enemy hero with Necrotic Embrace (with no maximum), and grants a new charge after 6 seconds if he has no charges.
- Muradin's level 1 talent "Dwarf Block" grants him 4 charges of 75 Physical Armor for 10 seconds upon using Dwarf Toss.
- Rexxar's level 4 talent "Grizzled Fortitude" grants both him and Misha 1 block charge of 75 Physical Armor every 7 seconds, storing up to 2 charges each.
- Sonya's level 1 talent "Tough As Nails" grants 1 block charge of 60 Physical Armor every 16 seconds. Cooldown refreshes 200% faster while Fury is active. Stores up to 3 charges.
- The Lost Vikings' level 1 talent "Olaf the Stout" grants Olaf 1 block charge of 75 Physical Armor every 5 seconds, storing up to 2 charges.
- Thrall's level 4 talent "Feral Resilience" grants him 2 block charges of 75 Physical Armor upon damaging an enemy Hero with Feral Spirit until the next cast of the ability.
- Valeera's level 1 talent "Combat Readiness", grants 1 block charge of 75 Physical Armor for every Combo Point spent, storing up to 3 charges.
- Zarya's level 4 talent "Defensive Shielding" grants 2 block charges of 75 Physical Armor for 6 seconds to Personal Barrier and Shield Ally targets when the Shield provided by them expires or breaks.
Removed[ | ]
These heroes no longer have any version of Block as a talent option.
- Diablo
- Imperius Modified version: his level 4 talent "Bulwark of Flame" granted 2 block charges of 60 Physical Armor when hitting an enemy with "Solarion's Fire", storing up to 6 charges.
- Johanna Old version of "Reinforce", using a basic ability granted 1 charge of 75 Physical armor, up to 3.
- Kerrigan
- Murky
- Stitches
- Uther
- Zeratul