Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Ashenvale was an considered battleground for Heroes of the Storm, prior to the conceptualization of the Nexus. It was removed as it did not feel right for the hero of Malfurion to be killing his fellow night elves.[1]

Trivia[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. 2013-11-11, Heroes of the Storm: Sixen Interviews Dustin Browder. YouTube, accessed on 2013-12-01

Cancelled features
Heroes_ Edmund DukeGruntyL80ETCLeonUltimatonVaevictisWarfield
NPCs_ GoblinLord Order
Creeps_ Ogre kingStone guardianYeti
Minions_ MarineStalkerThorZealotZergling
Structures_ BarracksCombat shopCommand centerFarmGoblin shopKnight towerKing towerMana towerPawn towerRook towerTeleporterWarp gate
Items_ Auto-turretCloak of flamesHealth potionHealth stoneMana potionMana stoneRunestoneSoul tokenTome of damage
Battlegrounds_ Arathi BasinAshenvaleHeavy Watch Tower JungleLane StrengthTiny Tim City ArenaTristram
Unknown_ Onyxia